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Bucharest – Ilfov Regional Program

Regional Programs



PR BI P6/ 6.4/ 1/2024 Applicant's guide dedicated to educational infrastructure for higher education (universities)

Financing program

Regional Programs

Bucharest – Ilfov Regional Program



Date of opening

October 07 2024


39.663.009 EUR

Call Type


Applicant's Guide – Calls for projects dedicated to stage II of projects that are subject to phasing

Financing program

Regional Programs

Bucharest – Ilfov Regional Program



Date of opening

June 19 2024


90.875.607,10 EUR

Call Type

Non-competitive, with continuous submission, with a submission deadline

Applicant's Guide, TEN-T complementary county road infrastructure

Financing program

Bucharest – Ilfov Regional Program

Regional Programs



Date of opening

July 08 2024


37.500.175 EUR

Call Type

Non-competitive, with submission deadline

CALL FOR PROJECTS PR BI P3/3.1/1/2024 "Call dedicated to energy renovation of residential buildings"

Financing program

Bucharest – Ilfov Regional Program

Regional Programs



Date of opening

June 10 2024


97.500.000 EUR

Call Type

Competitive, Competitive - Limited submission period

Applicant's Guide "Creation and modernization of educational infrastructures for early education (pre-school: nurseries and preschool: kindergartens)"

Financing program

Regional Programs

Bucharest – Ilfov Regional Program



Date of opening

20th May 2024


17.208.793 EUR

Call Type

Competitive - Limited submission period

Program description

The role of the Regional Program Bucharest - Ilfov

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Program covering the 2021-2027 programming period, for which the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency fulfills the role of Management Authority, was approved by the European Commission through Implementation Decision no. C(2022) 9211/05.12.2022. Future beneficiaries in the program projects will be able to use a total budget of approximately 1.466.464.794 euros, of which 40% of the funds are FEN and 60% come from the national contribution.

The general objective of the Regional Program Bucharest-Ilfov 2021-2027 (PR BI) is to contribute to the strategic vision of the RBI by supporting an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive economic development in order to improve the standard of living and increase resilience to societal challenges.

PR BI contributes to the fulfillment of the regional development objectives established in the Development Plan
Regional Bucharest-Ilfov (PDR BI) 2021-2027 and in the Intelligent Specialization Strategy RIS3 BucharestIflov (RIS3 BI).

Total Budget

  • Total EURO (FEDR+BS) 1.466.464.794 euros (ERDF 586.585.917+ BS 879.878.877)

Priority 1 – A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises – 374.555.000 Euros (ERDF: 149.822.000);
Priority 2 – A digitized region – 75.000.000 Euros (ERDF: 30.000.000);
Priority 3 – An environmentally friendly region – 300.000.000 Euros (ERDF: 120.000.000);
Priority 4 – A region with high mobility – 287.464.000 Euros (ERDF: 114.985.000);
Priority 5 – An accessible region – 106.250.000 Euros (ERDF: 42.500.000);
Priority 6 – A region with modern educational infrastructure – 171.606.000 Euros (ERDF: 68.642.000);
Priority 7 – An attractive and inclusive region – 93.053.000 Euros (ERDF: 37.221.000)
Priority 8 – Technical assistance – 58.499.593 euros

Funding institution

The overall objective of the program

The general strategic objective of PR BI 2021-2027 is to increase regional economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local communities in the region by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and public services, so that they are able to effectively manage resources , to capitalize on the potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress and represents the sum of the specific strategic objectives (OSS) identified as the most relevant starting from the sectoral challenges outlined in the analysis of development needs and correlated with local, regional, national and European documents through which strategic action directions are established.

Achieving territorial, economic and social cohesion in accordance with EU policies and the National Regional Development Plan, by developing competences at the regional level, by promoting intra- and inter-regional cooperation, as well as transnational, by attracting impact investments in the region - public , private and mixed, through public private partnership (PPP) schemes, for efficient and responsible management of approved programs and projects;

Promoting the principles of a sustainable development of the region, through the implementation of the Regional Development Plan, accelerating the processes of innovation and transfer of know-how, both at the regional and national level, as well as internationally.

Specific objectives

  • Development and enhancement of research and innovation capacities and adoption of advanced technologies;
  • Capitalizing on the advantages of digitization, for the benefit of citizens, companies, research organizations and public authorities;
  • Intensifying sustainable growth and increasing the competitiveness of SMEs and creating jobs within SMEs, including through productive investments;
  • Developing skills for smart specialization, industrial transition and entrepreneurship;
  • Capitalizing on the advantages of digitization, for the benefit of citizens, companies, research organizations and public authorities;
  • Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Promoting adaptation to climate change and disaster risk prevention and resilience, based on ecosystem approaches;
  • Intensification of actions to protect and preserve nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, as well as reducing all forms of pollution;
  • Promoting sustainable multimodal urban mobility as part of the transition to a zero-carbon economy;
  • Developing and improving sustainable, climate-resilient, smart and intermodal national, regional and local mobility, including improving access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility;
  • Improving access to inclusive and quality services in education, training and lifelong learning by developing accessible infrastructure, including promoting resilience for distance and online education and training;
  • Promoting integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, as well as culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security in urban areas;
  • Promoting integrated and inclusive local social, economic and environmental development, as well as culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security in non-urban areas.


  • Priority 1: A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises
  • Priority 2: A digitized region
  • Priority 3: An environmentally friendly region
  • Priority 4: A region with high mobility
  • Priority 5: An accessible region
  • Priority 6: A region with modern educational infrastructure
  • Priority 7: An attractive and inclusive region
  • Technical support

Eligible Activities/Eligible Expenses

  • Support of innovative start-ups/spin-offs;
  • Supporting innovation in SMEs;
  • Support for innovation through investments in fixed assets and/or intangible assets related to the own research/innovation infrastructures of CDI organizations, including higher education institutions, in the interest of SMEs;
  • Supporting technology transfer for the benefit of SMEs;
  • Supporting clusters;
  • Support for the digital transformation of SMEs;
  • Supporting micro-enterprises by investing in fixed assets (tangible and intangible) in order to increase their resilience in the market, in the medium and long term;
  • Supporting SMEs by investing in fixed and/or intangible assets for the development and implementation of new business models for internationalization;
  • Supporting entrepreneurship through the establishment, development and operationalization of incubators, business accelerators and industrial parks with regional impact;
  • Dskills development;
  • Information activities, training, etc.;
  • Supporting the digitization of public services at local level, including cyber security, interoperability and/or smart-city/smart-village interventions for: public safety, public services and utilities, energy monitoring, environment, public lighting, urban data banks, systems geographical information, etc.;
  • Investments in increasing the energy efficiency of residential buildings as well as public buildings owned and/or occupied by local and central authorities and other entities that have the right to own/administer public infrastructures;
  • Interventions in energy efficiency, in the urban environment;
  • Creation / modernization / expansion of green spaces (parks, gardens, squares, ecological green corridors, etc.); Creation of urban green infrastructures: (green roofs, green walls, etc.);
  • Investments in transport infrastructure that facilitate non-motorized and non-polluting mobility will create the conditions for a significant reduction in CO2 emissions;
  • Investments intended to build / modernize / rehabilitate / expand road infrastructure in order to decongest / streamline traffic (discharges and road passages/bridges, detours, etc.);
  • Building / rehabilitating / modernizing / expanding / equipping the educational infrastructure for the pre-preschool and preschool level, primary education (including after school), gymnasium, high school (non ÎPT) and special education organized in special education units, for professional and technical education and learning on throughout life, including campuses;
  • Construction/rehabilitation/modernization/expansion/equipment of university educational infrastructure, including campuses;
  • Investments in infrastructure, preservation, protection and sustainable exploitation of cultural heritage;
  • Investments in the conservation, protection and sustainable exploitation of natural heritage;
  • Supporting integrated urban development initiatives;
  • Investments in leisure infrastructure;
  • Technical assistance for the organization and operation of the Management Authority and (eventually) the Intermediate Body,
  • Studies and analysis.

Synergies and complementarities with other programs


  • POCIDIF – aimed at investments in economic competitiveness through research and innovation and networks of large R&D infrastructures;
  • POEO - what is proposed for financing the adaptation of the offer of education and professional training to the dynamics of the labor market and to the challenges of innovation and technological progress;
  • POS, where medical research infrastructures and FSE+ type measures supporting health research are proposed for funding;
  • civil servant - where will be financed: investments for the creation and development of enterprises in the agri-food sector throughout the national territory, development activities - innovation to allow farmers to jointly capitalize the products obtained, to adapt their production to market requirements, etc.;
  • Horizon europe – which supports the growth of innovation by supporting multi-sectoral approaches, which aims to finance projects able to fulfill the technical, scientific, educational and social objectives assumed by the member states;
  • PNRR – coordination with other initiatives related to the CDI component, to create synergies with the relevant activities and programs in innovation research at the national and regional level, especially with those that support the implementation of innovative solutions, education and regional development;
  • ERASMUS – liaising with as wide a range of stakeholders as possible, including decentralized agencies, research organizations and universities, end-users and public authorities, in particular to define the priorities and activities of each initiative, as well as to ensure inclusion .


  • DIGITAL EUROPE – which supports the financing of improving the efficiency and quality of services in areas of public interest such as justice, health, consumer protection, public administrations and supporting SMEs in adapting to digital changes;
  • CEF Digital – which supports the development of large-scale digital infrastructure and capabilities in high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, cyber security and advanced digital skills;
  • HORIZON EUROPE – which supports research, technological development, demonstration, pilot project testing, concept validation, testing and innovation, including pre-commercialization activities of innovative digital technologies;
  • Invest EU – support through market-based financing, including for the implementation of the policies included in this program;
  • ERASMUS – developing and acquiring advanced digital skills.


  • PODCAST – which promotes energy efficiency, intelligent energy networks and storage solutions;
  • POTJ – which supports investments in technologies and infrastructures for clean energy with low emissions, including the functional reconversion of degraded spaces/lands;
  • ElectricUp - program that supports the development of the energy sector from renewable sources and the increase of energy efficiency;
  • ENVIRONMENTAL FUND – which supports projects and programs dedicated to environmental protection, such as increasing energy efficiency and intelligent energy management in public buildings and educational units;
  • ACTION FUND IN THE FIELD OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY MANAGEMENT – which supports the management of sustainable energy at the level of poor/underdeveloped localities in Romania, by improving municipal infrastructure, increasing capacity and awareness regarding energy efficiency and renewable energy;
  • PNRR – by promoting actions related to the energy transition, the exploitation of renewable energy sources and the energy efficiency of buildings;
  • SEA AND NORWEGIAN GRANTS - which also finances projects in the field of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency;
  • INTERREG - whose purpose is to develop administrative capacity and to find, through cooperative actions, common solutions in various fields, including in the field of sustainable energy;
  • LIFE at the level of the Clean Energy Transition sub-program, which aims to develop the capacity to create the framework and conditions for the energy transition;
  • FUND FOR INNOVATION - aimed at the implementation of innovative technologies, products and processes, with low carbon emissions;
  • THE MODERNIZATION FUND - which finances actions regarding energy transition, increasing the share of renewable energy sources, implicit energy efficiency in constructions;
  • INVEST – which supports investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, innovation and digitalization;
  • THE EUROPEAN FUND FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY - what concerns energy efficiency and renewable energy investments on a small scale, especially in the urban environment, promoted by local authorities;
  • THE EUROPEAN ASSISTANCE FACILITY FOR LOCAL ENERGY – which provides technical assistance for investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy implicitly in the building sector.


  • POT – which aims to support investments aimed at improving the multimodal transport of goods and passengers in Romanian cities with over 100.000 inhabitants;
  • CEF TRANSPORT – whose main objective is the completion of the TEN T network;
  • Invest EU - contributes to the financing of investments in sustainable infrastructure;
  • PNRR – which supports actions regarding the development and modernization of the road, rail and metro transport sector, road safety elements. 


  • POEO – which focuses on increasing the access and participation of disadvantaged groups in education and professional training, and adapting the offer of education and professional training to the dynamics of the labor market;
  • STRATEGIC NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT which supports higher secondary education with an agricultural profile in rural areas;
  • WEIGHT – which includes investments through the DLRC in educational infrastructure and measures to combat school dropout and equal access to quality and inclusive education and training;
  • POCIDIF – aimed at digitization in education, aiming at investments in the digital infrastructure equipment necessary to increase interoperability in the field of education and the interconnection of educational databases;
  • Erasmus + program will provide opportunities for learning and mobility for teachers, students, apprentices, young people and students in order for the latter to acquire the relevant skills and competences, as well as the capacity for professional insertion;


  • PNS 2021-2027 - financing from the rural area for the construction/modernization of agro-pensions, caravan parks, campsites, other accommodation services, restaurants and other food service activities, as well as other tourist activities that can be carried out in the rural environment: gastronomic tourism (local gastronomic points ), eco-tourism, etc.;
  • Creative Europe –  regarding both the built heritage (buildings or constructions valuable for their uniqueness, originality or age), as well as the movable heritage found in museums;
  • POCIDIF – focuses on digitization in the cultural field (including: equipment and infrastructure, databases, software, digital platforms, integrated systems, ICT means, 3D digital models, IT infrastructures and cloud solutions, digitized exploitation);
  • WEIGHT – actions aimed at valorizing/conserving intangible cultural heritage, encouraging tourism and traditional crafts will be financed.




Regulation (EU) 2021/1058 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 on the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund


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